Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ron is doing better!

Just wanted to post and let my bloggy friends know that Ron is doing so much better! He has been in and out of the hospital and had several blood transfusion. It's been a very long road to recovery! He's had lots of set backs and been very ill at times! But we always knew that God had us in the palm of his hands! And with Chris as our guardian angel, we knew it would all work out! He is back to work and taking it very slow. He is only working a couple hours a day then coming home to rest!
He is on a lot of Medicine, 12 pills a day...and will be for at least a year...slowly he will cycle down to around 5-8 pills a day. 
Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts and wishes! I will try and post more often. It's just been such a life altering event. We are so changed in our priorities and are spending our moments together with a new found appreciation for each other! We loved each other before, but now we know how it could all slip away in a blink of an eye! Our thoughts are always with Suzie and the kids. They are coming to visit us in June and we can't wait! Our families are tied together forever! We saw them in March and it was to short of a visit...just 4 days! Now we'll get a week with them! Counting down the days till the Jones' arrive!!