Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Holiday Mail for Heroes

It's that time of year! When your sending out your holiday greeting this year please think of sending an extra one for a Service Member, Veteran, or Military Family. Being in that category of Active Duty Service Member and Family, I know just how important it is to receive a card from "back home" during the Holiday Season. So, show them you care by sending a little cheer in the mail. It's very easy to do...just click on the picture above and it will send you to the American Red Cross, where it shows you how, when, and what to send. All cards must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, December 10, 2008. Cards sent after this date will be returned to sender. Thanks for participating is this very worth cause. Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Soaring with the Eagles!!

Here we are right before the show started. I was so excited to see this concert. I cannot stress to you enough how awesome they sound in person. It was like a CD was playing! It was beautiful and brought back so many memories! Right before the lights went out. My hands were shaking and I was freaking out!!!
Here they are singing Hotel California! I was screaming my head off...heehee! Which is what normal people refer to as trying to sing...LOL!Glenn Fry and Joe Walsh...hello boys!!!
Color change in the set...lots of different things were going on while they played.Glenn Fry singing Lying Eyes....::::swoons:::::

Joe Walsh was and still is a wild man! He was rocking out and being silly! His rendition of "Life's Been Good to Me" was totally insane! He change up a lot of the words to make it more current! And even threw in a "what's up"...LOL!
If I ever have the chance again I would pay to see them one more time! This show lasted a long time and was well worth it!
This is them doing "Take it to the Limit"...YEAH!!!
This was their finale and they did one encore...their last song of the night was one of my favorites, Desperado! Brought the house down. It was a great night...a late night as well. We did not get home until 1:44am! Then I had to be up with the kids at 5:30...I was dragging but...heehee! I would do it again though! This was such a great dream come true...I want to thank my wonderful hubby for getting us these tickets! You rock baby! I hope to see many more great concerts with you. But, please no more Poison though...winkwink! I think 5 times is enough!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Take it to the Limit!!!

These are my boys...The Eagles! This is how I remember them in the 70's....showing my age now! I can remember walking around on the farm with my bulky handheld transistor radio and the one huge ugly ear bud listening to these guys rock out! Their music was big part of my life!

These are the boy's now! A little aged but still rocking us! I'm so excited about this concert! I'm totally jazzed about hearing all the classics's...Hotel California...Desperado...One of these nights...and many more!

Here are our says no camera' I have to be stealthy! Must remember to turn off my flash...shhh...don't tell anyone...heehee! Everyone enjoy your weekend!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

For Scrappy Girl!!!

I created an Award for Scrappy Girl over on Four Seasons Farm Blog! She was kind enough to give me my first award today. I'm not really sure who is responsible for making all the really cool blog awards, so I thought I would throw my hat in as well...I just winged it...heehee! I made this for her because she shares my enthusiasm (obsession) for the Twilight Saga! Here ya go Scrappy Girl!!! Enjoy my not so handy handy work...LOL!

Veterans Remembered Always!

On this day let us all remember the men and women who serve our country with everything they have to give. They make sacrifices above and beyond! And let us remember those who have fallen. They who gave their lives to defend our rights. Thank you to All our Veterans and active duty men and woman! You make us safe and give us courage everyday! God Bless you and your families!
And to my favorite Sailor....we love you and appreciated your dedication to the Navy and our country! You make us proud everyday! Enjoy your day off...your navy wife has big plans to drag you all over the shopping malls today...heehee! But, I promise to feed you an awesome Lunch!! I love you baby!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

You have 10 days to go!!

If your still reading it...hurry up. If you haven't read it...what are you waiting for!!! The countdown has official begun! ....10.....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We got it!

This is Mollie on Drugs......Novocaine that is...LOL! She was feeling no pain after her cavity was filled. So we took off to Target to get this fabulous CD! We were hoping for Edward's poster but we got Bella...which is okay too...:o)

Just one kiss...heehee! BTW...listening to the CD it!!!

Rocked the Vote!!!

This is us at 6:30am at our polling place. Boy I look rough. No make-up and only one cup of coffee. We stood in line for 1 hour and 38 minutes. We had a fun time though, because I chatted with a woman who was reading New Moon. Yay.....Twilight Addicts are!

Now that my civic duty is done....I'm off to pick up my daughter who has a dentist appointment to fill a tiny cavity...ouch! Then the fun part....going to buy the "Twilight Soundtrack"!!! Plus, I want Faith Hill's new Christmas CD. Hope everyone got out to vote. Have a great day!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Matthew's "Edward" Halloween Costume

So Mollie and I convinced Matthew to dress up as Edward from Twilight. He was like "no way Mom"...but his sister told him that the girls at the mall would be all over him. Well, being the little man that he is...he went for it! He was so cute! You can't tell in this photo but he is very sparkly...heehee!

He smelts so good because of the gel I used in his hair...heehee! I must confess he usually smells like wet dog....those of you who have rough and tumble boys know it's true..LOL!

He had a Breaking Dawn Pin and a Sticker that said "Twilight Saga" on his shirt. He totally hammed it up at Hot Topic for all the teenage girls. What a little cheese ball. He was certainly into all the attention that's for sure. Ladies man already...LOL!