Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Spoiled Rotten"

This is what I got for my Anniversary and Birthday. They are both blue...I love my new 8GB iPod and my fuji camera is too cool. I desperately needed a new one. My old one was in terrible condition. I know...I'm rotten! Well you only turn 40 once. Thank God! Remember...I'm still 29....hence my new bithday shirt...hehehe! Found this at Cracker Barrel in Mobile, Alabama!
Can't wait to wear it!

1 comment:

Tayde Lund said...

ohhhhhhhhhh love love the tee! that is sooo cute!!! wow, yes, you are spoiled rotten, both of ya, don't forget Ron now!!! Geeshhhhhhhhh! hope I get that spoiled on my big 40....Hehehee! I'll be 35 soon:) Wow, how exciting! Can't wait, with age, I get more beautiful, is that even precious as I am:)hee hee! love ya girlie, thanx for the reminder, gotta get your gift out...give me about a week to recover!:)smiles!! Thank god it's almost FRIDAY!