Monday, September 22, 2008


Sometime on Saturday Night a group of hoodlum teenagers went through our neighborhood destroying mailboxes! We called the Police on Sunday and we were the 12th call of the day. In all 17 mailboxes were hit. The crappy part is the Police only estimated our mailbox to be worth $40 bucks. I was what..LOL! You can't even buy a mailbox at Lowe's for $40 dollars plus the labor it will cause me to install it...UGH! Stupid-head boys!


Loren said...


Tayde Lund said...

oh you're kidding me!!! that's terrible....ohhhhhhhhhhh that just plain SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe me...I went back to work today for the first time this school year, and I had two "stupid" boys fist fite in class, yes, in class, blood splatter on the projection screen and my adrenaline running first thing!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwww, these boys had a track record for being bad, and this just sealed the deal they have been expelled!!! But it sucked being involved-and having to write statements for the school and yuma police dept!

Wendy said...

Oh no your first day back too! I swear Stupid boy's and their testosterone. Hope your second day is a lot less drama filled...=)

I read in the paper yesterday that it's up to 27 mailboxes and 1 light pole. Wish I knew who did it!