Saturday, November 15, 2008

Take it to the Limit!!!

These are my boys...The Eagles! This is how I remember them in the 70's....showing my age now! I can remember walking around on the farm with my bulky handheld transistor radio and the one huge ugly ear bud listening to these guys rock out! Their music was big part of my life!

These are the boy's now! A little aged but still rocking us! I'm so excited about this concert! I'm totally jazzed about hearing all the classics's...Hotel California...Desperado...One of these nights...and many more!

Here are our says no camera' I have to be stealthy! Must remember to turn off my flash...shhh...don't tell anyone...heehee! Everyone enjoy your weekend!!!


Scrappy Girl said...

How fun! I started listening to the Eagles when I was crushing on this guy my junior year. He loved the Eagles so I bought a cassette and listened to it over and over and over again. Never did date him...he wrote me a note and said he liked to have sex with his girlfriends and he knew I wasn't that kind of girl and he didn't want to treat me wrong. How nice...we stayed friends and he dated my slutty friend. LOL!

Tayde Lund said...

wow! got your pix on my phone, how cool is that! wish we could have been rocking out with ya!:) love you guys! miss ya!!!