Monday, November 17, 2008

Soaring with the Eagles!!

Here we are right before the show started. I was so excited to see this concert. I cannot stress to you enough how awesome they sound in person. It was like a CD was playing! It was beautiful and brought back so many memories! Right before the lights went out. My hands were shaking and I was freaking out!!!
Here they are singing Hotel California! I was screaming my head off...heehee! Which is what normal people refer to as trying to sing...LOL!Glenn Fry and Joe Walsh...hello boys!!!
Color change in the set...lots of different things were going on while they played.Glenn Fry singing Lying Eyes....::::swoons:::::

Joe Walsh was and still is a wild man! He was rocking out and being silly! His rendition of "Life's Been Good to Me" was totally insane! He change up a lot of the words to make it more current! And even threw in a "what's up"...LOL!
If I ever have the chance again I would pay to see them one more time! This show lasted a long time and was well worth it!
This is them doing "Take it to the Limit"...YEAH!!!
This was their finale and they did one encore...their last song of the night was one of my favorites, Desperado! Brought the house down. It was a great night...a late night as well. We did not get home until 1:44am! Then I had to be up with the kids at 5:30...I was dragging but...heehee! I would do it again though! This was such a great dream come true...I want to thank my wonderful hubby for getting us these tickets! You rock baby! I hope to see many more great concerts with you. But, please no more Poison though...winkwink! I think 5 times is enough!!!


Tayde Lund said...

awesome pix!!! oh i'm soooooooooooooooo there for poison baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks like you had an awesome time!:)lucky!

Scrappy Girl said...

I am so glad you had a good time. I like concerts, but I have only been to a few...Conway Twitty, Vern Gosdon, Joe Diffie, Terri Clark, and NSYNC. I need to update my concert experience...I'll go to Poison with your hubby! LOL!

Twilight is getting closer...I can almost smell Edward...

Ron said...

HA HA HA See there are people that still like Poison!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya


Tayde Lund said...

poison rock on!!!!!!!! don't ya think I wouldn't run away with the band- cause I would!!!!hehehehhee!!