Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

So, we are not trick or treating this year. Kids are older and there is so much we have to do. First the game, then it's off to have dinner. Ron wants On the Border...kid's want the food court at the mall and I want....In and Out Burger...yummmm! But we don't have one here...boohoo!

Miss Tayde...can you hook a girl up...winkwink!
This is the Mall I wish I was going to...;o)
Hot Topic is premiering the Soundtrack to the movie "Twilight" tonight in all their stores! You can't buy it until Nov. 4th but you can hear exciting!! Mollie and I can't wait! We will be there jamm'in out...heehee!
Then back home to see what I think is the best Halloween Movie ever....I love to say...amuck...amuck...amuck...heehee! I'm such a halloweinee!

What ever your plans are for today...have a wonderful and safe Halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm back and not getting in the car again!

Now, I'm not a hunter or fisherman...but this place is amazing! You would never know there was a recession by the number of people in this store spending!

This was a real Alligator...scary huh?

Very cool aquarium with all kinds of fish.

Massive Cat Fish...I'd like to fry this bad boy up with a mess of collards and hush!
Had a wonderful time visiting Mobile and my family. But...I'm not getting in the car with my family again for at least a month...LOL! I have heard enough....he touched me...I have to pee...are we there yet...turn the air on...she touched me...knock it off you knuckle heads! And they were are not even sitting in the same seat...geezzzz!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fireman Friday

Today I made Sausage 'N" Peppers for the fine Firemen of my little town. They are a group of volunteers who give it their all! One of the Firemen works with my hubby all day then goes to the Fire Dept. So here's to you Bob and all your fellow firemen! Enjoy and Thank you for all you do! It's so appreciated!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sweet Babies

My sweet babies were having their 10th nap of the day...heehee!

The flash on my camera woke them up.

It did not stop them from going right back to nap number 11...LOL! They play hard..then pass out! 40 winks and their at it again.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Boy's are Back in Town!

Well it was open mic night at Bogey's. And Ron and Joe were at it in the hay day of their rock'in roll past...heehee! Just kidding! These two love music and playing it on stage is something they love to do! It warms my heart to see them together again playing the classics's...LOL!

I love my Rock and Roll Fantasy!

Go Brett...I mean Ron...LOL!

Joe rock'in the house with his guitar. He is very talented!

Ham bone!

Strike a pose! 3 Tom Collin's later...heehee!
Together again....wish it could be more!

Love you baby sister! Miss you everyday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Robas Family Farm

Here we are at Roba's! This is an awesome place with a petting zoo, hayrides, corn maze, pig races, pumpkin patch,Christmas tree farm and apple orchard. We had a really great time. It was cold and overcast but, we still had fun chasing each other in the corn maze and feeding the animals.

They had two crazy lama's that were very friendly.

Joe was baaaaa'ing up with the goats.

Going into the maze.....this was fun!!!

I was hungry...heehee!

Pumpkins...which one do we pick? was cold! Donna loves the cold and I hate it. My ears are freezing...LOL!

I'm thinking about making this our Christmas card. What do you think?

The hayride to the orchard.
Horse'in around...or should I say cow'in & pig'in around...LOL!

Little baby Christmas sweet!

Taking a rest!

Just look at those fall color's! It was so beautiful there. It's up in the mountains and well worth a visit! We loved it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bonfire Time...Hot Dogs & Wine

Warm Fire....oooohhhh!

Joe enjoying a dog!

Wendy enjoying the Wine!!!!

We had a full moon for the bonfire! It was amazing!

Taylor & Mollie & Ron

Joe and Joseph

Mollie and Joe

Ron, Joe, and Matthew...what handsome men!

Sisterhood! Wendy & Donna

Ron was getting cold.

Bright Flash...heehee!

Joseph and Matthew chill'in by the flame!

Taylor playing in Joseph's wheelchair...LOL! Matthew and Mollie ready to roast a wiener! We had such a wonderful time with the App's. We miss them like crazy already...:o(