Sunday, October 5, 2008

Yardsale Find!

I have been looking for a light to read by in the living room. So I can sit with my hubby while he watches football. I found one yesterday at a yardsale in my neighborhood! I love it and it only cost me a DOLLAR!!!! When the lady told me a dollar, I ripped open my wallet and practically threw it at! Now, my poor tired eyes can see to read. Ron is happy because now he feels like we are spending more time together, but doing separate things...whatever works right?

I also got a brand new deck of UNO cards for $1.00 and a cute little basket for Matthew's Teacher for .50 cents. She showed a video on Tourette's Syndrome on Friday to all 5 periods. And had Matthew come in to each class to answer questions and talk about this disorder. She was so sweet and helpful to Matty. So we are baking her brownies and a putting a few little treats in this basket to give to her on Monday.

1 comment:

Scrappy Girl said...

Wow! My dollar would have jumped out and stuck to her on its own. LOL! When Dr. Hubby picks the movie (usually action or horror) I keep my little light on and work on a papercraft. He is satisfied and I have somewhere else to look when things are blown up, shot, or mangled. LOL!

What a sweet thing for his teacher to do...your gift is very thoughtful and will be appreciated...