Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Elvis Week in Memphis

What can you say about Elvis! He was one of a kind! I remember watching him on TV and thinking....he's so cute! My grandmother (aka..granny) would play his gospel albums over and over! I was obsessed by "Burning Love"...would shake my booty all over the farm, with my handheld AM radio. I was so cool with my one ear phone for it! Thanks to my PawPaw who didn't want to hear my hippy music.....lol! It did not save him from my singing though...YIKES!
So, it's Elvis week here and people still go crazy for him. All kinds of events at Graceland! Movies being show at night, Elvis Expo, Candlelight Vigil, and live performances! It's weird to see so many people dressed like Elvis! I wonder....what if he had lived longer....would it still be this mayhem surrounding him.......YES! Elvis will always be one of a kind!
Always a sucker for a uniform! GI Elvis was smoke'in!
His sideburns were to much for me but, we still loved him! Plus, I have a weakness for Bell Bottoms...LOL! I had the cutest pair...even had a huge flower embroider on the back pocket...heehee!
Want to see more of Elvis.....here ya go! http://www.elvis.com/


Loren said...


Tayde Lund said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHH how BAD I want to go to Graceland...that's why I have to go visit you in TN while you're there, two treats in one trip!!!! Oh Elvis totally ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! dig all his movies!! What a HAM!!!! Love my men in uniform, so yes he looks sooo good in his!