Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Day of School

Today is the kids first day of school. Only a half day, but very important to Matthew. It's his first day of Middle School. He was so nervous, and his facial tics were going into overtime! He has had major anxiety for the last 3 weeks. Poor guy just wants to be "normal".....and middle school kids are so mean! My stomach was doing somersault as I watched him board the bus.....I was behind a huge Crape Myrtle spying...hehe! I'm so glad that Mollie is on the bus with him. First time that's happened since Mollie was in 5th grade and Matthew was in Kindergarten.

My sweet babies are no longer babies! :o(

Now they are eye rolling teenagers...lol!

I miss them all ready!!!! Have a fabulous day!


Tayde Lund said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee how cute! I love the pic of them waving from the end of the driveway..how sweet, I know i love it that my kiddos have each other on the bus also! wow, mollie has really cute sense of style, or did you pick out that outfit, wow, we have a lil prissy girl huh! Ok, well have yummy pizza for me! I was just thinking how pizza sounds sooo yummy, but we are doing after school on Friday to celebrate the first week of school....well it doesn't matter what it is, we just celebrate LIFE!!!:)

Wendy said...

Are you kidding....she's 16! I'm not allowed to say anything about her choice in clothes...lol!


LOL, I can soooo relate to you not being able to say anything to her about her clothes! My 11 yr old tells ME, "Mom, that doesn't look good together!" and I'm 42!!!! O well, one day she will have her own daughter....hehehehhehe

Loren said...

Mollie looks like she's dreading the first day...which reminds me that I should probably call her and ask how it went...

I'm a terrible cousin!

Niki :D said...

hey miss wendy,
i'm mamab's daughter yes her eleven year old aughter who tells her that her clothes don't match!lol...anyways how old is your son..
ttyl,Niki Lynn

Wendy said...

Hiya Niki....Matthew is also eleven years old. His birthday is May 16th. He's in the sixth grade.

You have a good eye....although I might be bias...heehee! Later Tater...Miss Wendy